It has been almost a solid year since the WWE brought back the Hardyz and what a crazy year it has been for them. Between making the ultimate comeback at WrestleMania 33 by winning the tag team titles, Matt Hardy winning his case against Impact Wrestling to also Jeff Hardy’s unexpected injury and his very recent DWI charge. When the Hardy’s came back as Team Extreme most fans like myself, we're still part of this Broken Universe that the Hardyz created the year prior. If you have yet to see it, then yourself the favor and go check out Final Deletion on YouTube. Now we all knew at the time it would be awhile before we get a glimpse of the Broken Universe due to legal issues. However, when Matt Hardy was defeated by Bray Wyatt on November 27th episode of RAW, we saw the beginning of a long feud but, more importantly we started seeing the site of what we all thought was “Broken” Hardy. We soon to learn that he was not broken but yet WOKEN. Side Note: Kudos to them for using a fucking trending word, literally the word “Woke”. What a way to beat the system!
With that being said I was excited to see what was in store for us. However, like most fans, the random rambling promos and laughing contest between Matt and Bray Wyatt quickly became a bit stale. What was once DELIGHTFUL started to become dreadful. I mean seriously, how many times have we witness Bray Wyatt NOT laughing in his promos? That alone was already boring. At this point it became a bit obvious that Woken Hardy was losing some steam. Hardy sent out a tweet to his “Woken Warriors” asking them to please be patience with the development of his character.
Now for anyone who has seen his work on Impact know that the Broken Brilliance that is now “WOKEN” Hardy would come in full at the Hardy Compound. This past Monday Night Raw that aired on March 19th the WWE Universe (new fans) witness the Ultimate DELETION. Now here’s the fun part, there was a lot of heat and mixed emotions on my timeline with this. Some people hated it and felt like it was a waste of their time. Others knew what was coming and loved every minute of it. I am one of those who rather enjoyed the segment. Why, you may ask?? Because it was fun to watch, something completely non realistic. Folks this is Sports Entertainment and let’s all discover where this segment falls under. This segment was not meant to be taken that serious and we all know we are riding this bs feud until WrestleMania 34. So why are we being so negative about it? Because it's something we are not used to? Why not embrace the Broken Brilliance that is Woken Hardy and enjoy this crazy ride?

Woken Hardy is bringing that old school feeling back. He is giving us this kayfabe character that we should care about. Also to bring his whole entire family with him for the Ultimate DELETION is one hell of an achievement. Side note: Can we talk how amazing his wife Reby Hardy looked! She was and forever be stunning! Senor Benjamin had the battlefield ready and his appearance with the boat was perfect, and HELLO we got to see Brother Nero! That my friends was a DELIGHTFUL site to see. Now although Hardy threw Wyatt into the Lake of Reincarnation, we all know that this will continue until WM 34 so it is safe to say the WOKEN Hardy character is far from being OBSOLETE.
What will come next is what I'm most excited about! What’s yours?